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Chronic Inflammation, Pathogens and Immunity: Exploring Herbal Medicine and Camel Milk Therapies Used Successfully in 93 Countries

*General Session also counted towards CME Credits//Exposure and accumulation of biotoxins and neurotoxins in the body leads to chronic inflammation and can predispose a child to autism spectrum disorders. The rise in proinflammatory cytokines affects multiple systems in the body, especially the gastro-intestinal and immune systems. Studies have shown that camel milk contains specific beneficial bioactive components like lactoferrin, nanobodies, vitamins, minerals, probiotics, and enzymes that have anti-inflammatory and immune modulating properties. Dr. Dashore will talk about the benefits seen with different types of camel milk administered in a structured manner at predetermined intervals along with specific supportive herbs  in children with ASD as a highly beneficial dietary intervention, when done at the right time, that may help improve intestinal barrier function, reduce inflammation, support the immune system, strengthen the microbiome and restrict bacterial invasion for better neurological outcomes. The targeted camel milk protocol combined with medicinal herbal options successfully used in 93 countries will be shared.



