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Unlocking the Autism microbiome using genomic technologies to heal the gut and reduce symptoms for children on the spectrum.

Previous studies show that 50-90% of children with Autism have some form of gastrointestinal symptoms such as constipation, diarrhoea, abdominal pain, bloating and reflux. These symptoms can be correlated with imbalances in particular gut microbiota. The dysbiosis may cause symptoms such as inflammation, immune dysfunction and impaired nutrient absorption. Microbiome sequencing is a method of comprehensively analysing even small amounts of a wider range of micro-organisms in the gut than traditional stool testing can identify. It can thus be even more helpful in identifying and treating gastrointestinal issues in children with Autism.

Dr Way has undertaken a large research study sequencing the microbiome of children on the Autism spectrum with IBS.  160 Autistic children with IBS were screened using smartDNAglobal and compared with 200 of their reference neurotypical population with IBS as controls. The results around the altered gut microbiome diversity in children with both ASD and IBS will be discussed. By understanding what is present or absent in each child’s gut, personally tailored interventions can be given to rebalance flora and restore function. These interventions may include targeted probiotics, prebiotics, dietary changes, natural supplements, gut healing agents, fermented foods and antimicrobial treatments may occasionally be needed as well. Together, these treatments are effective in reducing symptoms and improving gut health for children on the spectrum.

Learn about:

  • The association of microbes with IBS, autism, depression and anxiety.
  • Mechanisms by which microbiota can affect the brain and regulate neurodegeneration.
  • The Brain chemistry that comes with dysbiosis in ASD.
  • The use of microbes to improve cognition, regenerate neurons and rebuild the microbiome.
  • The mitochondria microbiome link.
  • The salivary microbiota of ASD differs to controls and how to fix this.
  • The main gene / gut interactions for gut permeability and how to fix them.
  • Which probiotic species can improve symptoms for people on the spectrum.
  • Easy to follow steps on how to rebalance the ASD microbiome.



