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Marcella Piper-Terry, M.S.

2025 Presentation(s):

The presentation will begin In:

As part of the Welcome Reception, Marcella Piper-Terry will lead a eulogy for the beloved Dr. Sheila Lewis Ealey, followed by a showing of the documentary VAXXED III. Loving memorial music will be performed. Light hors d'oeuvres provided at 7:00pm.

In 2016, Dr. Sheila Lewis Ealey was officially introduced to the world in the film, VaxXed:  From Cover-up to Catastrophe. Countless people have come to know Sheila and the story of her son, Temple, who was very seriously injured by vaccines in infancy. I was privileged to know Sheila on a personal level, and even more privileged to call her my friend. It is my absolute honor to have been asked to eulogize this incredible woman who gave so much of her time, energy, brilliance, and love in service of children and adults diagnosed on the autism spectrum. I hope you will join me as we come together as a community to celebrate Sheila’s life and work. Bring tissues. I know I will.

The presentation will begin In:

As parents of children diagnosed with autism, a great many of us meet the diagnostic criteria for PTSD. We trusted. Our children were harmed. We didn’t see it coming. Our experiences can result in us living in a perpetual state of fight-or-flight. Trauma changes us. One effective way of healing from trauma is to take what has happened to us and use it for the good of humanity. Becoming active in advocacy work, educating and empowering other parents so they don’t have to experience the pain and difficulties our families live with helps us make sense of our own lives and experiences. Advocacy gives us purpose. As we watch young parents beginning to go down the path we once traveled, we can become triggered. We may become stuck in a perpetual state of fight-or-flight. The path of the activist is often stressful, and without balance and attention to our own health and well-being, the work can become the thing that takes us from our families. We often speak about how we have to live forever but being immersed in such painful and stressful advocacy work can lead us in the opposite direction when it comes to our own health. Learning how to find balance is essential. We are physical, emotional, and spiritual beings. Finding balance and caring for ourselves requires attention and care to each part of ourselves, which can be a very difficult goal to achieve. In this panel discussion, Polly, Stephanie, and Marcella will discuss their own journeys and offer insights regarding self-care for the citizen activist as a whole person. Topics of discussion will include the importance of growing and nurturing our spiritual and emotional connections, learning to calm and support our mind-body connection to help shut down the fight-or-flight response, and protecting ourselves on a physical level in a time of self-spreading vaccines; an issue of elevated significance for those with MTHFR genetic SNPs.
Speaker Bio:

Marcella Piper-Terry, M.S., is an independent researcher, writer, speaker and activist. Marcella is the founder of, which was an active online presence from 2011 through 2020. VaxTruth’s mission was to inform parents of their legal right to exemptions from vaccination and to inform and empower parents to make educated decision about vaccination. Marcella was an organizer of the CDC Rallies for Truth, Transparency, and Freedom in 2015 and 2016, and joined Polly Tommey and Dr. Suzanne Humphries on the VaxXed Bus Tours in 2016 and 2017. Since 2023, Marcella has been publishing her work on Substack. You can follow her at

Marcella received a Master of Science degree in psychology in 1997 from the University of South Alabama. She was a Ph.D. candidate at George Washington University in Washington, D.C. when her daughter suffered a serious vaccine-reaction after her “kindergarten shots.” Marcella left the Ph.D. program to devote more time to caring for her daughter. Since 1999, Marcella has worked as a neuropsychological evaluator, educational advocate, psychotherapist, behavior analyst, and biomedical consultant. She attended the Defeat Autism Now! Clinical Training in 2007 and worked as a DAN provider, assisting families of vaccine-injured children in assessing and addressing the underlying medical conditions contributing to their children’s “autism” diagnosis. 

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