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Shawn K. Centers, MD(H), FACOP, BCIM, BCIP

2023 Presentation(s):

The presentation will begin In:

"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence." - Nikola Tesla This lecture will explore innovative, cutting-edge aspects of Energy Medicine including the use and application of frequency, vibration and energy using Bio resonance and advanced scanning technology, Biodynamic osteopathy, and the release of trapped emotional energy to release trauma from the body and lead to healing within the body.
Speaker Bio:

Shawn K. Centers, MD(H), FACOP, BCIM, BCIP, is an Arizona licensed Homeopathic and Integrative Physician, the Director of Medical Education for AutismOne, and an internationally known expert and professor of Osteopathic Medicine. Dr Centers maintains a specialized consulting practice with an emphasis on rare, difficult to treat, developmental and neurological disorders including children with epilepsy, cerebral palsy, immune disorders (including Lyme Disease, PANDAS/PANS), learning disorders, attention deficit disorder, asthma, allergy, autism, traumatic brain injury, and rare diseases. He has exceptional skill in using Homeopathic & Integrative Medicine, Craniosacral Osteopathy, Energy Medicine, and Biomedical Approaches in finding health for patients. Dr. Centers is board certified in pediatrics, is a founding Diplomate of the American Board of Holistic and Integrative Medicine and was founding Chair of the Board of Integrative Pediatrics. He is a former Chief Resident in Pediatrics at the Children’s Hospital of New Jersey. Dr. Centers was the lead
author of the pediatrics section of Foundations in Osteopathic Medicine the official text of the American Osteopathic Association used at over 300 medical schools worldwide.

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