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Cindy L. Griffin, DIHom., DSH-P, B.M.E.

2023 Presentation(s):

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Based on the multiple contributing factors discovered by biomedical researchers in autism and PANDAS, and the diversity of behavioral and developmental manifestations and physical symptoms of autism, the homeopaths at Homeopathy Center of Houston developed a unique causation-focused program to heal Autism Spectrum Disorders and PANDAS. Sequential Homeopathy is the backbone of the Houston Homeopathy Method.  By working in reverse chronological sequence through the client’s personal history, the approach gently supports the body to eliminate or rebalance each trauma layer. The program encompasses a highly individualized, yet systematic approach to detoxification and elimination of physical and emotional traumas. By using complex combinations of homeopathic remedies tailored to remove each layer of historical insults, the body begins to heal itself. Gradually a less toxic, and less traumatized system yields improvements in both cognitive and physical functioning as burdens on the immune system are released. Over time, the system can normalize, allowing a healthy emergence of behavioral, developmental, academic, social and physical improvements. Unlike drug, supplement or dietary therapies, there are no side effects or sensitivities to homeopathic remedies, and because homeopathy supports natural healing process, the gains achieved typically remain even once the remedies are discontinued. Actual case anecdotes pulled from our records with children and young adults with ASD‘s and PANDAS will demonstrate examples of improvements and even complete recoveries. Gains have been achieved in engagement, eye contact, focus and concentration, meltdowns, toileting, aggression, repetitive behaviors, obsessions, speech and communication, reduction in tics and many other complaints. These advances correspond with physiological improvements such as digestion, GI pain, appetite, elimination, inflammation, sensitivity to light or noise stimulus and sleep, resulting in visible overall health improvement and greater well-being. The salient message is presented as a framework of genuine hope for permanent improvements in behavior, development, abilities, health and healing made possible through the Houston Homeopathy Method with its 20 years of proven success as a safe, non-toxic, drug-free, side effect-free and non-invasive option for ASDs and PANDAS .
Speaker Bio:

Cindy L. Griffin, DIHom., DSH-P, B.M.E., was introduced to homeopathy in 1994 when homeopathy cured her chronic sinus infections overnight, after many years of unsuccessful conventional medical treatment.  

She is a former choral music teacher and homeschooling mom, but she changed careers after her husband’s death in 1994.  She received the Diploma of the Institute of Homeopathy in 1998 from British Institute of Homeopathy (Canada), and interned under Sherry Arrick, a sequential homeopath. This year, Cindy celebrates 25 years of practice, and she and her colleagues Lindyl Lanham, Julianne Adams and Lynn Rose Demartini mark the 20thanniversary of Homeopathy Center of Houston, one of the largest homeopathic group practices in the U.S.

The Center’s unique Houston Homeopathy Method for Autism has been healing clients for 20 years. Based on Sequential Homeopathy, the method is equally successful for many special needs children including those with Tourette’s Syndrome and PANDAS. Over 350 children have completely recovered from autism, and thousands more have achieved permanent improvements in their health and overall function. Their program is acclaimed by parents as one of the most successful, innovative and safe approaches to permanently improving the physiological, emotional and behavioral problems associated with children on the spectrum.

Cindy and Lindyl have written and taught a 3-year practitioner curriculum and internship program in classical and sequential homeopathy, as well as consumer self-care classes through Houston School of Homeopathy. They have spoken at numerous conferences across the US and in Canada, Australia and Barbados since 2003, including this, their 15th engagement with Autism One. 

Outside of the practice, Cindy enjoys time with her 3 adult children (including an adult son fully recovered from high functioning autism), and her 3 grandchildren. She is an avid student of the Bible, served 2 years as a licensed Christian grief counseling lay minister, has taught children’s Sunday School and participates in several Bible studies. She relaxes with numerous beloved cats, her backyard chicken flock and in her organic vegetable garden. 

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